1.1.0 3/2/2007 - bugfix: only detected root where shown, not a @root declared (hervé) - fixed SFID 1628596 : @title tag does not work well with included DTD's (hervé) - wrote a specific DTD grammar to get a better highlighting than simple XML (hervé) - integrated JHighlight to render highlighted DTD source (hervé) 1.0.0 24/10/2006 - Looks like we're into 1.0... We think that DTDDoc is now mature enough for that, thanks to all contributors ! (wiz21) - Changed the overall stylesheet of the generated documentation (you can still find an old version in resources/DTDDocStyle_old.css - changed DTDDoc's reports default font size from 11px to "small", which is a little bigger (hervé) - added PMD, JDepend, FindBugs and JavaNCSS reports to Maven2 descriptor (hervé) - added a "WARNING"/"ERROR" prefix to AntLogger warning/error messages (hervé) - added DTDCommenter default constructor to maintain binary compatibility with earlier versions of DTDDoc (hervé) - added Maven 2 descriptor (pom.xml) in the distribution (hervé) - version info in Manifest is now with dot separators instead of underscore (hervé) - Made logging more flexible (now supports command line, Ant and Maven transparently) (wiz21) - Now the date in the DTD selection frame (the left one) is escaped correctly (wiz21) - Now HTML uses ' instead of " (hervé) - It is no more an error to have an "unsupported" cardinality (hervé) - Added a start page where all available DTD's are listed (hervé) - Required and Fixed are now handled properly (hervé) - Exact version of DTDDoc is now displayed (hervé) - DOCTYPE information (i.e. how to use the DTD inside an XML) provided (hervé) - Updated credits.html to reflect Stef's new email (wiz21) - Fixed a few typos and explanations in the license.txt file (wiz21) - added automatic '<' escaping in case of non-html tag (hervé) - SFID 1550608 : ANT task did not respect the base directory (hervé) - Triple hyphens comments (a la javadoc/netbeans) are treated as normal comments (hervé) and added an option to control this behaviour (wiz21) - Automatic support for id and xmlns attributes documentation : no warning any more when no documentation is written for these attributes (hervé) - Improved error message display by reordering them : it helps to find in which DTD or documentation phase an error is happening (hervé) - Added notation support for attributes (hervé) - SFID 1550601 : CODE_SEPARATOR_DEPRECATED had been transformed to a '?', so one could not write simply questions in the comments (hervé) - SFID 736045 : added new @doctype tag (hervé) - SFID 1549976 : settings displayed at task startup was incorrect ("Show" instead of "Don't show" @hidden/fixme tags) (hervé) - bugfix : #FIXED attributes were documented as "Required", now marked "Fixed" - Added dtddoc_features.dtd to show all the features of DTDDoc in action, using it as a regression test-case too (hervé) - Added a top navigation header on every generated page, with frame/no frame links (hervé) - Added DTDs table in the introduction page : frames are not absolutely required now (hervé) - Made HTML on the website and generated HTML XHTML-1.0 Transitional compliant (according to W3C validator). (hervé) - A few bug fixes and many code/comments cleanups. (hervé, wiz21) - SFID 1549989 : Now the 's are supported (wiz21) - Made command line version "more" deprecated 0.0.11 22/11/2004 Read carefully, breaking changes ! - The overall look and feel has been changed. This means that your old CSS files may not work anymore. - Replaced the DTD selection area by a full blown tree browser (thanks to Mike Koehrsen & Geir Landro). The tree browser is JavaScript. I've tested on several browsers and it's fine but one never knows... You might not like it, in that case, well just tell me, I'll reactivate the old one. - Now the element's model are linked to their elements. - Proper support for attribute types like NMTOKEN and such (still a bit simple though). - Each DTD gets a page with its entities. - A few bug fixes and code cleanups. - Transformed all HTML tags to lowercase so we're a bit closer to XHTML. - Fixed the way I deduce an URI from a String path (issues were with files located in sub directories) 0.0.10 4/6/2004 Read carefully, breaking changes ! - If one uses the
 tag in a comment, nothing gets escaped (so one
  can easily put HTML code there).
- Now elements titles and attributes titles have a different style in the
  style sheet. This way, one can give them different looks.
  WARNING ! Because of this, DTDDoc expects the styles "attributeTitle",
  "leftAttributeTitle" and "rightAttributeTitle" to be set for a proper
  rendering. This is not important if you don't customise your CSS. In
  case you do, simply add those style to your CSS.
- In a XML example, if you need the '%' char, then you shall escape it : '\%'.

0.0.9 18/7/2003

- SFID 736030 Added support for the @attr tag which allows to document
  attributes list attibute per attribute basis.
- Fixed the default style sheet so that it is now nice on IE.

0.0.8 17/7/2003

- (SFID == SourceForge ID, the ID Sf uses with its bug/RFE/... tracker).
- SFID 736085 Normalize attribute order. Attributes are now in alphabetical
  order, but it seems difficult to get them in DTD order.
- SFID 736054 Updated license information with regexp and dtdparser's
- SFID 736052 Added info about jakarta regexp jar usage.
- SFID 736051 Clarified the attribute's default values column.
- CDATA doesn't show up anymore in the attributes table column values.
- SFID 737188 Now DTD located in subdirectories are properly processed.
- SFID 736028 Now stylesheets are used for rendering the generated
  HTML. A user can specify a style sheet to use.
- SFID 736043 Added an elements index. The attributes are not indexed because
  it is a little weird to do (see comments in the code).
- Fixed a problem with the first comment detection.
- Now the various sorts are using Collator objects so it's more locale

0.0.7 (This is the James Bond release (sorry, couldn't resist :)))

- ACHTUNG ! Fixed the Ant task so that it doesn't use the default
  "include *.dtd" statement anymore (this was a wrong behaviour).
- Opened the mailing list on sourceforge.
- Cleaned changelog a little more.
- Now displays the model of an element without a "warning" message that
  was a little misleading for the user.
- "Implied" attribute is not shown as "required" anymore.
- Handling of 


around a paragraph are now handled a little more gracefully. - < and > character are transformed into HTML entities when they appear inside a code fragment. This makes the composition of the latter much simpler. - Made attributes values/usage presentation less verbose and hopefully more readable. - Improved presentation of empty element (now it's clearly stated :)). - Fixed detection and display of "Sorry, no documentation" message. - Beautified runtime introduction text a bit. - Bug fixed appearance of the first comment. - Fixed DTDParser so that it reacts properly to encoding statement. - Fixed/Beautified HTML creation. - Proposed a solution for on cardinality (see comment in DTDCommenter.java). - Made HTML on the website HTML-4.01 compliant (according to W3C validator). 0.0.6 30/4/2003 - Now DTDDoc works as an Ant task (cool !). It means that the command line version is now deprecated (unless many people request it). I deprecate because it's much easier (and powerful) to do file scanning with Ant. - Support for various character encoding in DTD. - Updated dtdparser to 1.21. - Updated the examples to show the new features. - Added comments and some minor bug fixes. - Cleaned the changelog presentation. - Updated the site (credits and documentation, now multipage site !). - Tidied the HTML code in various place (not finished though). 0.0.5 17/2/2003 - Automated publishing of the website on SourceForge. - Added display of element/attribute parent. - A lot more comments in the code. - Now it's possible to configure the title that is displayed on top of the index. 0.0.4 12/2/2003 - Added support for titles and head comments. - Fixed some tiny bugs. - Added preliminary support for include/exclude list. - Added GPL. - Added regexp 1.2 in the package for easier deploying. - Better support for attributes. - Improved documentation a bit. - Improved buil funtionalities (mrproper, javadoc). 0.0.3 10/6/2002 - Added support for multiple depth of directories in DTD inclusion. - Added changelog !